Saturday, June 26, 2010

Some up-date...

Ok life has been SO crazy and I have NO clue what I last wrote... didn't even think to read before I started to type! But I'm gonna try to write a few things that I can think of that I would like to have written down of our life now! And if it is repeats... SORRY!!!

Ok... first I now work at Texas Childrens Hospital! I LOVE IT!!! It is just amazing! I have always loved working with kids... and when I was passed over at Hermann it was one reason I left... but I have not been as happy at my job with big people as I was when I worked with little peoples... So now that I am back where I belong I feel that the skills that I learned along the way brought me to where I need to be! I know that I wouldn't be where I was if I had stayed where I was at and I am so excited! It does mean eventually I will spend more time with my boy... but right now it does make the weeks long cause we get up early for work then come home for bed... but I KNOW it is SO worth it all!

Ok enough about me this is about my boy! But I wanted to add that cause it does mean that I will get to spend more time with him eventually!

Grayson had started to talk a lot more... he says more words... but still does not say "strings" of words... so he is still classified as speech delayed but as opposed to being about 12months delayed he is now about 6-8months delayed... which is a huge improvement in 6 months! Gray is starting to count some (1-3)... and does say a few things... and he does know when the difference between yes and no and says so! He is potty trained prob 85%... he knows when he needs to go... when he has gone... and when he is dirty... he doesn't quiet get the concept of telling... he still pees on himself... BUT he is getting better! But he does control his stream well!
His kisses... oh they make my day... he gives the most precious kisses... he will come kiss my knee... or shoulder... especially if he is trying to get my attention! He LOVES to jump... oh how the boy can jump... he loves it! Umm lets see what else... he knows I think all of his animal sounds... he knows most shapes... he is getting better on his colors... He loves Yo Gabba Gabba... The Fresh Beat Band... Team Umizoomi... The Upside Down Show...

We went and got his hearing rechecked last week at his 6month post tubes check-up and they are still in Praise the Lord... but they are starting to show signs of needing replacement for incorrect size so back we will be in 3 months as opposed to 4 months like we were hoping! His hearing test did not come back like I wanted... he does show signs of hearing loss it is still minimal... but it is not improving like the ENT said it should... he still believes that it will get better... but for now We will be aggressive! He is getting a re-evaluation with speech therapy since he does have minimal hearing loss and he has been symptomatic in the past from the hearing loss SO till it is all corrected and he no longer has symptoms we will continue to have 3 month follow-ups with the ENT to ensure correct fit of the tubes... and he doesn't have any issues like before! This makes me sad as I REALLY hoped that we would get a good report from the ENT of we could wait 6months for the next follow=up unless something came up... BUT now if he has ANY signs of ear infection I am to come straight to the ENT and there is a good chance we will be getting new tubes! Also his adnoids removed at the same time!

OK... well I know there is more but I'm tired... will be back later!

Monday, May 31, 2010

Have you ever had one of THOSE days where you feel like the whole world is crashing around you... that anything that can go wrong ... will go wrong... that all you want to do is go hide under a rock and wait for another day? THEN you read something... or see a smile... and feel that little giggle from deep inside... that you now feel like you can make it over that HUMP... well I have been under that rock... the if it can it will go wrong rock... then I look at Gray and think... if he can smile and laugh why can't I!?! SO I am trying hard EVERY day to remember that... and when I feel the world is crashing... I think of something silly the boy has done... like yesterday he was sitting on the potty... I was in front of him holding him up... i'm so nervous he will fall in... silly I know... but he still has bad "aim" and peed all up the front of my shirt... had us both laughing... but I will keep that in the back of my head for one of those "rock" days when I need to smile!
Well off topic the above was... but what brought me to it was a friends blog... she is a photographer... that I met through my cousin... well it basically was saying why wait... why wait to have pics taken... till you loose those 5 lbs... or till your hair is done... or till you have a special occation... celebrate the daily life's celebrations... you woke up again... don't wait till the next birthday or special day... take a pic of the bbq outside... and don't hide behind the camera... get out of the studio images... they are more real life and will capture what your family is really like... and SO many photographers out there are SO awesome... I am lucky enough to know WAY too many! I just wish I could join them... I LOVE taking pics... I wish I could be brave enough to do it professionally! but for now Gray and family are my canvas... and I love it! BUT once again off topic... but reading Sabrina's blog reminded me of my maternity pics... when the photographer kept asking where daddy was... and then asked if I wanted the stretch marks removed... well yes I wish daddy had been in the pics... but well he was out of the picture and had been out of the picture for a while! But how do explain that when you are 7 months pregnant and big and fat... kinda hard to do! Then about the stretch marks that most people would LOVE to have hidden... I was proud of EVERY single one I got... it meant that my little man was getting bigger and was still in my tummy... plus proof that yes he was in my belly and that is what he did to me... yes I will be THAT mom that says I got ALL these stretch marks to carry YOU... AND I was in labor for 18 1/2 hrs with you... yes I am THAT mom... but no I would NEVER trade a single one! Then yes I would love to loose the 5... 10... 30 lbs... before having pics taken with Gray.... BUT I want to document that I was in the picture... and I was here... AND I love EVERY picture that I am in with him... NO I still don't like having pics taken of me... BUT I treasure EVERY pic that I have of us...
SO long story short... skip a few dinners out... forget those 5 lbs you want to loose... go get a photographer to take family pics... that everyone one in your family is in... and ENJOY every minute... even with that crooked smile... or closed eyes... or the pimple or whatever... capture the now in the pics... cause time passes SO quick!!!

Monday, May 24, 2010

His 4-wheeler the Easter Bunny Brought!
His 50-billion-th hair cut... this boy has SO much hair!!!
My Sweet boy
Oh he is SO innocent RiGHt???

I LOVE this pic... he was being SUCH a ham... He knew I was taking pics so he would totally pose!

OK it has been forever since I have posted and this is short and sweet... here are a few pics... so much is going on and I really would love to post a GREAT summary of everything but that will have to wait till later this week... but here are some photos to hold some over!

Thursday, March 4, 2010


Aeros Hockey Game with the Family!
How we pass time at the doctor's office!
Grayson typically gets into EVERY cabinet and gets VERY bored waiting on the doctor... but now that we figured out this trick of crayons and the exam table paper... he is entertained and doesn't want to leave! Much easier!
Some of the kids from the Mommy Group getting SO big!!!
My handsome boy! Loves to Cheese it up!!!

Ahh I did it again... dropping the ball... it never fails... why is it when Gray was all of 6m old and I was working crazy long hours and doing the house and NO sleep cause well he didn't so why did I need to... why is it that at that time that I could seem to write in the blog ALL the time or at least once a week even when NOTHING was going on... yet now that he is older and can "play" at least a few minutes by himself... I can't seem to get over here and up-date! Is it that nothing is going on in our lives... and I don't want to admit it! Well nope that is not it... SO much is going on... and yes he can entertain himself... BUT there is still SO much going on... and just not enough hours in the day... and well this momma is liking her sleep now! OK so now that I am done saying sorry and making excuses Let me up-date a few things!

First Grayson is now 19 months old... growing like a weed... I just took out all the 18m shirts and put them in boxes as they are too short! Yes pants still fit... but we have now added his 3T clothes! Also we just moved up to size 7 shoes! Now does he need them... I don't know... he was complaining about his old shoes... so my guess is they were getting too small... but I plan on going to stride-rite or somewhere to size him up!
Gray has also made a LOT of progress! He has been seeing the ECI specialist for almost 2 months and what an improvement! Also he has seen the speech therapist 2 times! He now is pointing to all body parts when asked... makes the sound of animals when asked... or when you point the pictures!He of course LOVES dogs he barks, pants and says dog!
Oh and for words since we was at 1 just a mere 3 months ago... well he now says Mine, Momma, Dada, dog, bye, done, duck, hello... now the ECI (Ms.P) says that he has said a few kids names in class... I have never heard them but ya know... also a few other things! Now the teachers also say that he says things... that he doesn't say with me... SO we are waiting to see! I do not call it a new word he says unless he says it a few times and with meaning (he knows what he is saying) there are a few things that he says or does that it has taken a few times of listening to to figure out oh that is what he is saying... but we are getting there!

Now we will I think get re-evaluated in another 6months... I don't know if we get kicked out if he is doing better or what BUT I figure he is doing better and I am pretty sure a lot has to do with the fact that he can hear now... BUT I really think the therapy is helping also! Also I think I said it before but if not... Ms.P cannot praise the school enough then she talks about the teachers and how well they do with Gray and really listen to her suggestions for him and she sees them working with him! So yes I think I spend TOO much money for daycare BUT it is worth every penny knowing that he is safe AND he is learning!

Well a lot more has happened... but I need sleep! More tomorrow... or this weekend!!!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

18m Well Baby and Pulmonology Appt!

Well today was Gray's follow-up appointment with the Pulmonologist Dr F... the amazing doctor that I just LOVE... well we had a late start... got stuck in traffic and almost missed our appointment... but we made it! Grayson did great... lungs sound clear... so we will continue with the current meds... but we added a nasal spray for at night to hopefully help with his post nasal drip and clear up the night time cough... but we will see... also we will be using a nasal wash at bath time... we will see how that goes tonight... I am fearful of doing it... but I hope it will help and work!!! SO the plan is to do all this and see her again in June... once spring hits we will see how he does... and at that appointment we will reassess his condition and hopefully wean him off the steroid during the summer! Normally kids with asthma have issues during the winter but during the summer clear up SO the plan will be to take him off meds in the summer and then restart once the winter comes back... but we will have to wait and see! But at least I am hopeful!

After that appointment we RUSHED back to this side of town for his 18 month pediatrician appointment! In the last week my mom commented a few times about how he looks bigger... I knew his 2t pants were fitting better... BUT didn't really see him getting bigger... I still see my little man! Well his 12m stats were 31 in and 23 lbs... he is now 33 3/4 in so almost 34 in and 26.5 lbs... so he grew almost 3 in and 3.5 lbs in 6 months... I know in the first year they grow a lot... but still he is getting HUGE!!! I can hardly believe how big he is really! Also he was impressed with everything about Gray... still dissappointed about his lack of speech but we will overcome that also!

SO this is what has been going on! Will up-date with pics and more later!

Monday, January 25, 2010


Well first new tubes are in and working GREAT... he has NO side effects... he is doing awesome... only issue we had was the day of surgery he didn't like the anesthesia... and he was MR Grumpy pants... but after that... the next day he was back to normal!!! And last time Gray had LOTS of NASTY discharge... this time a little bloody discharge the next day... then NOTHING!!! Woohoo!!!
So now it is a wait and see on Feb 10th to see how his hearing is doing... lets hope better!!!

Well as I have said before we have been waiting for ECI to come an evaluate Gray... we started this process in December... and it has taken this long to get all the ducks in a row and working and have the speech pathologist come with the ECI person... and see if Gray qualifies... last time we met with them it seemed like he prob would not qualify... cause they have to be 6 months delayed... and they ECI person didn't seem to think that he was... SO I was nervous and excited and confused! Well as Grayson is now 18 months... he needed to be on the level in his language development of a 12 month old! Well today they did lots of little "tests" and asked lots of questions... and it was very interesting to see how he reacted and what he can do for others and it gave me LOTS of hope! No he didn't break out in full sentences... BUT he did make different sounds... and showed off his coloring skills and playing skills for the 2 women! Well as the eval was coming to an end the 2 women had decided that his main issue is speech... duh... but they feel it is more hearing... breathing related than an actual speech issue! Meaning... since he has the ear issues with some hearing issues it has delayed his verbal skills... and once prob after a year of clear ears is when we will see a true hearing improvement... my question is why can I ask him to do something.. YET the reason he has the speech delay is hearing... the SLP said that she feels that yes he can hear BUT he doesn't quiet get the language part of it.... I don't know... then with his breathing issues (asthma) the reasoning the SLP feels he doesn't really "link" babbles together is that he gets short of breath and thus he doesn't want to waste the breath to talk! SO after all this the way these women were talking it seemed like she felt that only after his hearing is better and we have his asthma better controlled then he will improve and that there was no need for ECI for him... I was a little upset... then she told me how he measured up on the tests...
the different areas they tested are to follow along with what age range he scored at!

for Gross/Fine Motor development - 29 months
for Social/Emotional development - 27 months
for Cognitive development - 18 months
for Receptive Language - 9 months
for Expressive Language - 7 months

So as I already knew he has awesome motor and social skills my active social butterfly... BUT he scored even less on his language than previously thought! :( A few things that the ECI people said... was they were SO impressed with what he could do... how advanced he was in other aspects of growth... they really think that the language will come! They feel that his receptive language is prob higher than 9 months but because he doesn't express himself using words... he scores low on the receptive scale! SO the plan... Ms. P (ECI lady) will be seeing Gray at KRK once a week doing play therapy using games and sounds to improve speech and once a month Gray will meet with the actual Speech Therapist for ST... then in 6 months (when he is 24 months) we will reevaluate him and see if he needs more or less... and if he is to continue we will start a new plan and start the talk of what the plan will be when he is 3!

I am SO excited to know... I really am not crazy or imagining the language delay... yes I have heard SO many times... boys talk later than girls... oh it is perfectly normal for him to still not talk... but today my issues were validated and confirmed... so I am happy that I was correct and that Gray will be getting the help he needs... BUT with that being said... I am VERY sad to know that he is delayed! I want Gray to have everything in life and want for nothing and I fear that I have done something to cause this delay! But so far it just seems like it is life for him! But at least we have a plan now!

Also the best part of today... is my homework for Grayson... how I can help my little man! I have been trying to do research on how to help him talk and I have listened to others advice but today I got VERY good advice that we have already started to use!
First... we were told to stop with trying to make him use words... to actually go back even further... and use syllables or sounds of letters or fun sounds and see if he can copy that... like ba ba ba ba... I know this may sound simple to most people but remember he is testing at the babbling stage... so we have to go back to this... yes we are still talking to him and I still tell him what we are doing and I talk to him and ask him questions... but we are also working on him trying to copy my sounds... next similar to the previous when we color... or slide or whatever... try to make a game of it and use syllables to describe what I'm doing... like a line drawn as I'm drawing I say "weeeee" and try to get him to copy the line along with the "wee" then lots of praise! Next instead of reading books to him (as Gray is not the fan of the whole story) we are going to read books that have themes... like a duck... and every page all we say is duck and point out the duck till Gray starts to point out the duck... then he will eventually start to say duck... at least that is the hope! Also with every day magazines like my Parents or Baby Talk magazine... use those for Gray and have him point out objects... so we are gonna try all these suggestions! Oh another one is since Gray LOVES outside... we are gonna start playing "Red light/Green Light"... we will start at one end of the yard... then I will say "Ready, Set, GO" and run till I say "Stop" eventually he will start to say "Go" and "stop" then all of it... at least that is the goal!

SO that is what is going on... 29... 27.. 18... 9... 7... the only valid number is the 18... which Gray's cognitive skills... so he understands things at the correct level... everything else he is WAY ahead or WAY behind!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

I'm Getting better again...

See 2 posts in the same number of days... ha ha!

Well today we woke up feeling better... Gray was a little stir crazy... and so was I... SO since I am trying NOT to spend as much money... and Gray LOVES it outside... I decided to go to the park in my neighborhood... I went before back before Grayson was walking when he was 11 months... and I looked at the playground thinking it was really nice... but HUGE as in... too big for Gray to play on till he is like 10 years old... ha... well I thought it would be nice to take him and let him run around... play on the swings... and play with his race car on the sidewalk... well we got there and Gray ran to the playset... no second guessing... up the stairs... and down the slide like we had just left a few hours before... yet we had never been before... I don't know where he learned how to do all that he did... but he sure had fun... and here are a few pics from our trip... oh and the last time we went it was only for the swings... this time... I don't know if Gray loved them or hated them... he was laughing SO hard he was crying... or was he crying so hard he was laughing... needless to say... he ran all around... went up and down the stairs... and down the slides having a blast... the swings... we will have to wait for another day to see!